Today's music by Robert Schumann is Symphonic Studies. Schumann - Symphonic Studies Op. 13
Our new poet is Emily Dickinson. Our family recently read a wonderful biography of her life by Aileen Fisher (some of you may recognize her as the author of All On a Mountain Day). I like her writing so was looking for books by her and came upon this one about Emily Dickinson and her family. We really enjoyed it and I recommend it. It is titled We Dickinsons: the life of Emily Dickinson as Seen Through the Eyes of Her Brother Austin. Emily's poetry often speaks of death and could seem morbid but the above biography gave very helpful insights into who Emily was and what might have formed how Emily thought and wrote.
Here are a couple of short biographical sketches - followed by a poem.
Emily Dickinson - Wikipedia
Emily Dickinson - Biography Online
by: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
HE daisy follows soft the sun,
- And when his golden walk is done,
- Sits shyly at his feet.
- He, waking, finds the flower near.
- "Wherefore, marauder, art thou here?"
- "Because, sir, love is sweet!"
- We are the flower, Thou the sun!
- Forgive us, if as days decline,
- We nearer steal to Thee,--
- Enamoured of the parting west,
- The peace, the flight, the amethyst,
- Night's possibility!