Thursday, April 2, 2015

Albert Anker - Girl Braiding her Hair, Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique, Robert Browning - Pippa

Our new artist Albert Anker liked to paint people busy at their everyday tasks, especially children.  Today's painting by artist was my first exposure to this wonderful Swiss artist and I knew as soon as I saw it that he would be our artist for the new term....

Here is a link to Wikipedia's article on Albert Anker.

and another short biographical sketch including a timeline of his life.

And a link to my Picasa Web Album of Albert Anker Paintings.  These are the paintings I hope to use this Spring as we study Albert Anker's work.

Our new composer for Spring is Hector Berlioz.  You can read the Wikipedia entry for this composer here.

The life of Berlioz as I've noticed with some other composers isn't exemplary.  In contrast to Handel and Haydn whose faith influenced their work, his lack of faith and his pursuit of self-gratification influences his work.  Still he was skillful and influential in the world of music.  

As always I recommend the Music Masters CD The Story of Berlioz in Words and Music.

Following is a link to The Hector Berlioz Website.

Here is a link to The Best of Berlioz for an hour of his music.

Our first piece of music by this composer is Symphonie Fantastique.

 If you have older children you might want to discuss the Wikipedia Article for Symphonie Fantastique  What is Berlioz's world view? How does a person's life and beliefs affect his art and work?

Robert Browning - the husband of our last poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning will be our featured poet for the Spring season.

I enjoyed this brief Biographical Sketch by SparkNotes. 

I'd like to introduce him with this short verse from Pippa Passes-

The year's at the spring
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven -
All's right with the world!

Here is the entire work read aloud for adults and older children - Pippa Passes - Librivox. (I haven't previewed the whole thing yet so you might want to check it for yourself but the part I read was beautiful.)

Here is a link to a whole page of Robert Browning Resources at Librivox.

A Day With Great Poets scroll down to the last chapter for Robert Browning.  This is a creative biographical sketch of Robert Browning.


  1. How lovely. I love picture studies.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. We'll need to explore this artist's work more. I like the idea of capturing everyday tasks through art.
