Sunday, March 29, 2015

Picasa Web Album of Albert Anker Paintings

My friend, Delight, was given a small card-sized copy of this painting and when I saw it I knew immediately that Albert Anker would be our next artist!  I think the difficulty is going to be choosing which of his wonderful works to study!

Here is a link to my Picasa Web Album of Albert Anker Paintings in case you want to get a head start.  These are the paintings I hope to feature this term.  You should be able to download them for printing. The above painting will be this weeks featured weekly painting but I wanted to send out a post ahead of time with the link to the paintings.  Blessings on your week.  Patti

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful find, Patti! Thank you for introducing me to another new artist - one whom I am confident my children will love.
