and her accompanying poem...
Endless Comfort
Unending Comfort is thankfully mine
Surrounded by branches and ruby Vine
Sealed within the Restrainers breast
We'll soon fly away, experiencing God's best
Content to be called by name so sweet
To the clouds we are summoned, Him to meet.
Hello Patti. What a beautiful composition. I did not get to see the painting as it did not appear . I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am blessed and feel privileged and honored to get connected with you as well as know about you and your family. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 37 yrs in this grewat icty of Mumbai acity with a greawt contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time.We would love to have your adult children or teen aged grand children to come to Mumbai to work with us. I am sure they will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friends also wishing you and your family a blessed and a joyous Christmas season and a bright, prosperous and Christ centered New year.