Tuesday, July 7, 2015

An apology...

I realized yesterday that I had missed my post the end of last week....  Life seems to have me by the tail right now.  We're in the middle of gardening, out of town company, and getting ready for our daughter's wedding next month.  So I've decided that rather than try to squeeze one more thing in, I'll put the blog on hold for a few weeks....  If you're new here, there are lots of wonderful artists, composers and poets in the archives, hope you can find something you'd like to use.  For those of you who have been with me all along - maybe a revisiting of an old favorite? Or you could launch out on your own.  Artcyclopedia might be a place to start in looking for artists as they have their works listed by style and artist.  I hope to be back later this summer in time to get ready for the Fall season.  Blessings on you all in your sharing joy and beauty with your precious children. 


  1. Congratulations! no worries about us in cyber-land. Just love your blog :)

  2. No apologies are necessary! Life gets busy sometimes, and if you, like me, want to keep your blog as a fun hobby rather than as one more "have-to", then taking time off is such a great idea.

    It also works out perfectly for my family, as we decided to feature a local artist (Judy Bess) for the summer on our ever-changing wall art display. We met Judy at an art-in-the-garden event and her artwork is so bright and lively, perfect for summer. We'll catch back up with you whenever you come back.

  3. Blogging without obligation - that's my motto. Enjoy your time off! :)

  4. Thank you to each of you who has taken time to respond! Your sweet attitudes and gracious understanding are a blessing! Thank you! Patti
