Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jacob von Rueysdale - Landscape with a Waterfall; Georg Philipp Telemann - Suite for Recorder in A Minor; A.A.Milne - Sneezles

It's  interesting to contrast these two paintings by Jacob von Rueysdale.  both are titled Landscape with a Waterfall, but they are very different from one another in coloring, mood and even the buildings. 

Landscape with a Waterfall
Landscape with a Waterfall

Landscape with a Waterfall

Music this week by Georg Philipp Telemann - Suite for Recorder in A Minor

Here is a picture of two different sized recorders.  They make a fun and inexpensive first instrument.  


There are many wonderful books for learning and teaching recorder. Penny Gardner's Nine-Note Recorder Method is one we have enjoyed using along with her book of recorder duets.

christian hymns duets
Nine-Note Recorder Method: Easy Music for Beginners | Main Photo (Cover) 

A fun poem this week by A.A.Milne for Spring colds.... I love how he plays with words and shares his wonderful sense of humor with us.


By A. A. Milne

  Christopher Robin
     Had wheezles
     And sneezles,
     They bundled him
     His bed.
     They gave him what goes
     With a cold in the nose,
     And some more for a cold
     In the head.
     They wondered
     If wheezles
     Could turn
     Into measles,
     If sneezles
     Would turn
     Into mumps;
     They examined his chest
     For a rash,
     and the rest
     Of his body for swellings and lumps.
     They sent for some doctors
     In sneezles
     And wheezles
     To tell them what ought
     To be done.

     All sorts of conditions
     Of famous physicians
     Came hurrying round
     At a run.
     They all made a note
     Of the state of his throat,
     They asked if he suffered from thirst;
     They asked if the sneezles
     Came after the wheezles,
     Or if the first sneezle
     Came first.
     They said, “If you teazle
     A sneezle
     Or wheezle,
     A measle
     May easily grow.
     But humour or pleazle
     The wheezle
     Or sneezle,
     The measle
     Will certainly go.”
     They expounded the reazles
     For sneezles
     And wheezles,
     The manner of measles
     When new.
     They said, “If he freezles
     In draughts and in breezles,
     May even ensue.”
Christopher Robin
Got up in the morning,
The sneezles had vanished away.
And the look in his eye
Seemed to say to the sky,
“Now, how to amuse them today?”

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