Friday, January 27, 2012

Joseph Farquharson - Egyptian Market, Ferdinando Carulli - Guitar and Pianoforte, Eugene Field - The Wanderer

If you are new to this blog, Welcome and I hope you find these posts helpful.  If you have ideas for making it better, please post comments or contact me at If you don't care for a given artist, composer or poet you could go back to older posts.  
Again this weeks painting by Joseph Farquaharson titled Egyptian Market, is so very different than the first works we looked at.  I've been wondering if these last three paintings come from a trip he took to the Middle East.  His use of warm colors and bright sunlight makes you almost feel the heat.  What do you think is the "story" behind this painting?  It might make a fun creative writing project to have your children write a story to go with this picture....

Today's piece by Ferdinando Carulli is complicated and intense - it is a duet with a guitar and Pianoforte.

Our poem is The Wanderer by Eugene Field.

The wanderer

Upon a mountain height, far from the sea,
I found a shell,
And to my listening ear the lonely thing
Ever a song of ocean seemed to sing,
Ever a tale of ocean seemed to tell.

How came the shell upon that mountain height?
Ah, who can say
Whether there dropped by some too careless hand,
Or whether there cast when Ocean swept the Land,
Ere the Eternal had ordained the Day?

Strange, was it not? Far from its native deep,
One song it sang,--
Sang of the awful mysteries of the tide,
Sang of the misty sea, profound and wide,--
Ever with echoes of the ocean rang.

And as the shell upon the mountain height
Sings of the sea,
So do I ever, leagues and leagues away,--
So do I ever, wandering where I may,--
Sing, O my home! sing, O my home! of thee. 


  1. Just a note to say thanks for the great blog!

  2. I just started reading your blog a couple of weeks ago after someone mentioned it on the Well-Trained Minds forums. You have a terrific blog here and I'm working my way back through past posts and gleaning all sorts of great ideas. Thanks!
