Monday, November 28, 2016

Mary Jane Q Cross -- Gathering Hope

This is the painting that Mary Jane Q Cross chose as the cover for her lovely book, Poems of a Painter, Paintings of a Prayer. This beautiful book is not cheap, but if you can possibly afford to get it I don't think you'll be disappointed.  It has full page paintings on almost every other page, with accompanying poems facing.  This painting, titled "Gathering Hope" is filled with both beauty and emotion - what I love about Mary Jane Q Cross' work!

             Gathering Hope
           by Mary Jane Q Cross copyright 2007

I press my face against the glass,
gathering hope of what will last.

Petals fragrant, soft, bright
last in visions into night.

Fragile dreams of who I be;
numbered heartbeats 'til eternity.

My Lord my King, I do compel,
help to spend these heartbeats well...

that I might serve with hand and face,
breathed to life by Your sweet grace,

to serve again, not grasp, but give,
and by life's fully live.

If you haven't viewed it yet, I recommend this you-tube video about Mary Jane and her painting:  Q Cross: The Painter Behind the Portraits.