Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rosa Bonheur - The Horse Fair, Arcangelo Corelli - concerto Grosso - OP.6 no.3, John Oxenham - Whirring Wheels
The Horse Fair
This painting was my introduction to Rosa Bonheur.  It is full of vibrant action.  Lots to look at and enjoy here. 

And a closeup here:

File:WLA metmuseum Rosa Bonheur The Horse Fair detail.jpg

Another beautiful piece of music this week from Arcangelo Corelli Concerto Grosso - Op. 6 No. 3.  You can enjoy watching the musicians as they play.  

Our John Oxenham poem this week is for those sleepless nights


Lord, when on my bed I lie,
Sleepless, unto Thee I'll cry;
When my brain works overmuch,
Stay the wheels with Thy soft touch.

Just a quiet thought of Thee,
And of Thy sweet charity,--
Just a little prayer, and then
I will turn to sleep again.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rosa Bonheur - Mountain Goats, Arcangelo Corelli - concerto Grosso No. 2 in F Major, John Oxenham - God's Handwriting

The only action in this painting by Rosa Bonhuer is the water and the alert stance of the mountain goat.  I like the dark, warm colors of the mountain goat against the cool snow  and grey rocks. What details attract you?

Another lovely piece by Arcangelo Corelli;Concerto Grosso No.2 in F Major

John Oxenham seemed able to take a great thought and put it into a few beautiful words - today's poem from Selected Poems of John Oxenham by Charles L. Wallis is no exception....

                  God's Handwriting

He writes in characters too grand
For our short sight to understand;
We catch but broken strokes, and try
To fathom all the mystery
Of withered hopes, of death, of life,
The endless war, the useless strife,--
But there, with larger, clearer sight,
We shall see this--His way was right.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rosa Bonheur - Relay Hunting, John Oxenham - The Pruner

Aren't these horses painted by Rosa Bonheur lovely!! 

File:Rosa Bonheur - Relay Hunting.jpg

Our musical piece this week by Arcangelo Corelli is Concerto Grosso Op 6 No. 1 D Major

          The Pruner
by John Oxenham
God is a zealous pruner,
For He knows--
Who, falsely tender, spares the knife
But spoils the rose.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Rosa Bonheur - Deer and Fawn in a Wood

This lovely picture by Rosa Bonhuer is done in oils but almost looks like pastels with all its details and little brushstrokes.

File:Rosa Bonheur - Les cerfs et les fauves dans un bois.jpg

12 Violin Sonatas Op. 5 by Arcangelo Corelli.

and here is a link to a list of his complete works.  Easy listening - great background music.

 God's Signpost by John Oxenham

See there!--God's signpost, standing at the ways
Which every man of his free-will must go,--
Up the steep hill,--or down the winding ways,--
One or the other every man must go.

He forces no man, each must choose his way,
And as he chooses so the end will be,
One went in front to point the Perfect Way,
Who follows fears not where the end will be.
                  from:  The Cross at the Cross-ways

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rosa Bonheur - A Shepherdess With A Goat and Two Cows in a Meadow, John Oxenham - New Year's Day--and Every Day

Another interesting painting by Rosa Bonhuer, I like the light and dark contrasts -- how the shadows fall, the vivid sky, the peaceful stance of the girl and the little details like the thistle the black and white cow is eying. 

File:Rosa Bonheur - Une bergère avec une chèvre et deux vaches dans un pré.jpg

Continuing with our Trio Sonatas - today Opus 4 by Arcangelo Corelli.

and here is a link to a list of his complete works.  Easy listening - great background music.

A wonderful poem by John Oxenham for the new year...

New Year's Day--and Every Day

     Each man is Captain of his Soul,
     And each man his own Crew,
     But the Pilot knows the Unknown Seas,
     And He will bring us through.

We break new seas to-day,--
Our eager keels quest unaccustomed waters,
And, from the vast uncharted waste in front,
The mystic circles leap
To greet our prows with mightiest possibilities;
Bringing us--what?
     --Dread shoals and shifting banks?
     --And calms and storms?
     --And clouds and biting gales?
     --And wreck and loss?
     --And valiant fighting-times?
And, maybe, Death!--and so, the Larger Life!

     For should the Pilot deem it best 
     To cut the voyage short,
     He sees beyond the sky-line, and
     He'll bring us into Port.

And, maybe, Life--Life on a bounding tide
     And chance of glorious deeds;--
     Of help swift-borne to drowning mariners;
     Of cheer to ships dismasted in the gale;
     Of succours given unasked and joyfully;
     Of mighty service to all needy souls.

     So--Ho for the Pilot's orders,
     Whatever course He makes!
     For He sees beyond the sky-line,
     And He never makes mistakes.

And, maybe, Goden Days,
     Full freighted with delight!
     --And wide free seas of unimagined bliss,
     --And Treasure Isles, and Kingdoms to be won,
     --And Undiscovered Countries, and New Kin.

     For each man captains his own Soul,
     And chooses his own Crew,
     But the Pilot knows the Unknown Seas,
     And He will bring us through.